Dr. Heidi Zetzer, Teaching Professor
The ground floor of the Gevirtz School of Education at UCSB houses two thriving clinics which support the school's Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology program. We talk with Dr. Heidi Zetzer to learn more about these programs. We find out what positive psychology looks like during challenging times (looking at you, pandemic) and how students are learning to help others to heal and thrive.
Dr. Heidi Zetzer is a Teaching Professor in the Department of Counseling, Clinical, & School Psychology at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She is also the Director of the UCSB Carol Ackerman Positive Psychology Clinic, the Past President of the Association of Psychology Training Clinics, and the Secretary of the Society of Counseling Psychology, a Division of the American Psychological Association. For more info on positive psychology, go to: https://www.ucsbpositivepsych.org/